210 Comments Posted by Jack_

This place is relatively clean. I am seeing some skateboard action through these hallways. Swing the doors open as obstacles. Of course there would have to be sign, "Taggers will be Flogged until kidney failure."
It's Teddies cousin from A.I. !
"Are you David? I have to find David. Are you taking me to David?"
The birds head probably was separated from its neck. It was probably trying to escape, and, since birds don't perceive glass? He broke his neck on the window.
I like the way it is reaching for the sunlight.
Definitely "Cost Effective" one coat latex paint. I understand the chips from the peeling go wonderfully with ranch or bleu cheese dip.
Yes, nice shot. Perhaps there was no smoking in there as the nicotine would turn the paint....green.
Wow, that government blue paint. Balloons make the shot though. Well done.
Firehouse: "I'm still useful, aren't I?"

Yes, looks neglected, almost as if emotionally.
I am noticing a severe lack of soap dispensers in this facility, no wonder they went mad at times. :-) Can't believe I got it first.
Wow, "Smoking Area", there's something you do not see any more. Cool hairdryers. Aren't those the kind they use in horror flicks to electrocute someone?
That looks like it would be one helluva facial.
Great Contrasts!
Nice work!
Is that some kind of power cord going across the ceiling? Someone living above the ceiling tiles? boo wah ah ah.
Meds and Mail windows, most likely. How many of the staff, do you suppose, were victims of the ol' someone lungeing at them through the window routine. That had to be un-nerving at times.
Just, perfect, Sir. Nice to see your "Eye" in action yet again.