210 Comments Posted by Jack_

It almost appears someone used a plasma cutter on it for 'fun'. You can see light scorching on some of the edges. Prob a demolition team seeing how easy it would be to cut the doors.
Windex Commercial, Take 2! Action!......I said ACTION! Are you listening to me? *sigh* Actors.
Appears to me as a 'Guardian' like Gargoyles. He is waiting for an intruder to pounce on and vanquish.
Isn't that one of Wall-E's friends?
Wow, did someone say they uses Carbon Arcing t produce light? Amazing. I have operated old searchlights from WWII which used carbon arc. Never expected it to be in a movie projector. I do see an inspection window but cannot see if it is tinted, I am sure it is.
Very cool.
I really wish some people would use A: Spell check then copy and paste into the comments OR B: Get that Phonics Monkey of your back. I make mistakes here and there and let them go, but I know it is 'See you later!" and not "CUL8R". Okay, I'm done. I don't know if want to trade my fingers for pingers.
Exactly my feelings. Zorb. One of the things I like to do (if it happens to be undamaged) is to see what it might take to get it going again and like you stated, try to figure out exactly what it did and what they used it for. Nice to see a fellow tech 'geek', so to speak.
It's a waiting area for lamps trying out to be the Disney/Pixar lamp that jumps around. They were all too tall. They went with a desktop 'Model' :-) Sorry. Couldn't resist.
Did anyone ever worry about the ends or otherwise blowing off from pressure. Boilers always seemed a bit on the hazardous side.
"Give US a Hug!"
Dept. of Mental Hygiene?? Clean up those dirty minds. Glad I never went there. ;-)
The colours of the chairs were probably to 'brighten the place up a bit'. Looks almost like there was a dance at some point.
Wow, how many rooms are in this place? The doors seem to stretch to 'infinity'.
Beutiful. The depth almost makes the chair seem to be 'phasing' out of this dimension.
Very cool.
I see it! Oh, thank Gods, I knew there had to a soap dispenser somewhere.

Ha ha ha... "Vice Versa" or maybe "Push me Pull you"?