436 Comments Posted by Ilovehorseyrides

Poor Babies! I saw the pics thet you posted, Michele L.V. they were pretty disturbing!!!
Poor Baby!
I did a project thing online last semester that involve looking up WWII prpaganda. I failed it.
I wanna play that game
I'm not drinking that water YUCK!
I wanna ride the carosuel! where is it?
It looks like the Moonliner at Disneyland. I want that in my backyard!!!
I thought it was clogged
No TV for you!!!
I meant pregnant lady
INTERESTING??!? Once when I was little I had this dream where my toilet has purple water in it and there was a pregnany lady in my toilet!!! THAT SCARED ME!!!!!
I'm playing basketball in gym class next week.
I saw something like that in a Holocaust movie that I saw at school. It was REALLY creepy...
HAHAHAHA Calvin and Hobbes are SOOOOOO funny. I almost have every single C+H comic book! (I don't have "The Revenge of the Baby-Sat". It's the only comic book I need then I'll have ALL the books in the series!!!)