8 Comments Posted by HyPe

That`s one reason, why there are still so many bunkers in Germany. It`s too expensive to tear them off.
sad. really sad. I don`t want think about the fate of the children.
looks like a drainage-well for me?!
After the 2nd world war, Germany was involved into the "Cold War". The Russians had a lot of troops in the eastern part of the land. Then, Germany was split into west and east. The communists built a wall (the iron curtain) between these two halfs and the DDR was born. The hospital was on this side and the Russians had taken it for themselves.
ok. all you need is an electrical angle grinder, a few spare discs and an alternator. cut a square around the locks and then you can open it manually.
how do i know? bevore i became a caregiver i worked at a locksmith.

but i think it`s better to let the inner secrets of the safe sleep. even if there is something inside.
it belongs to that beautiful building!!!!!!
well... i`m a caregiver and i think the money of the patients was kept there. or maybe money from the hospital if they have to pay cash for something needed?!
it is only speculation =)
Maybe the brains were stolen by some adventurers?
I`ve searched the whole german internet for informations about this hospital - no chance. there are no infos. really nothing. This fact makes me think that there must be a reason for that.
maybe they want to remain silent about it... Who knows?