4 Comments Posted by Eli

please excuse my spelling,
this place was a psych ward many years ago its very old i would not believe this building was special to anyone excpect for the people who recieved thier paychecks for the time they spent there. sure some people might have wanted help but alot were there against there own will. and the horrible procedures that occured on patients such as lobotomies where there would drill through there skulls or go through the eye socket to sever brain tissues and kill, people electroshock therepy, and neurosurgery where they messed around with the spinal cords and signals your body natural sends up and down ur body. this place opened 1885 people were'nt treated the best. so whats so disrespectfull about a little spraypaint graffitti or ART. most of you are ignorant ---holes that just open ur f--king mouths. and let sh-t spue out
hay alguna manera de saber la localización exacta de la crypta?
Bello y triste cementerio...
My take:
Two or more people were in the building surveying it - coworkers. Person A gets stuck in a room and is communicating to Person(s) B on the notecard so they will get person A out - "the door is lock you have to LET ME OUT" and shows it through a window. Person(s) B is trying to figure out the door and is giving person A instructions like 'twist the knob' or 'lift the door' and Person A again writes "How". Person A is freed and people go back to exploring, data collecting/surveying and split ways. Person A eventually leaves and writes a note on the same notecard to Person(s) B so Person(s) B knows A has left - "See you tomorrow" (at work). Person A considers if its okay to leave B alone and decides that it would be best to tell the police (aka security on the grounds) that a coworker is still checking things out in the building so that they know B is there and make sure B gets leaving okay.
Make sense?