8 Comments Posted by Eediot

Motts: I'd love a print of this. Possible? Any chance you'd consider selling out a publishing these?
Hey, I think the "desecration" is fitting for a place once famous for its inhumanity. And I love that the building and its artwork have melded until it's no longer possible to separate them. They are one and the same. Byberry would never be as intense as it is now if it were left in pristine condition.
And to those who mourn the changes, you have your memories. Embrace the now or turn to them for solace.
Amen to the incredible Mr. Motts and his photographic abilities. Just fucking awesome.
And thanks to all who post supplemental URLs. The supporting material is fascinating.
Also, thanks to pioneers like Radical Ed for your insights. I can imagine that you must feel some sense of ownership since you've spent so much time here. It's true generosity to share that with the rest of us.
Ed's got it exactly right, imho. Tagging borders on criminal when it's done to something that holds some future promise. But Byberry is a monument/tribute to insanity -- the graffiti and degradation only serve to further enforce that. This is where artwork and entropy belong.
This is what Tim Burton and Michelle Lynn Edwards (my favorite artist) see through their closed eyelids.
Lucy on the wall with conduit. Groovy.
Actually hell has plenty of ladders. It's just that none of them lead anywhere.
Oh, and hell has a nice view of the Christina River and modular office furniture, too.
Any way to post those audio clips? I'd LOVE to hear that stuff.