11 Comments Posted by Danae

Ok we got the shoes where are the soap dispensers???? Where's the lone chair???? Glad to see new stuff up I LOVE this website!!!!!!
Ok this face business is as bad as the time I was told that there were zodiac signs in pictures in a Jehovah Witness AWAKE magazine... first time I ever read one of their mags cover to cover and even held the image up to light...*SIGH alas it wasn't the last either but finally I woke up.... so that being said would someone do a "help me find this image" in the picture cuz I can't see it..... though I will say this Motts work has inspired my writing and broken a month long writers block for me...so demonic images YAH!!!!! Bring Um ON!!!!!!
Motts I have to tell you I have been on Opacity for a little over a month now and not even looked at most of your work because I become mesmerized by your talented pictorial essence in photography. I found you quite by accident on U-Tube looking at the abandoned Undercliff in the town I grew up in.... I have developed a new found appreciation for your work,for architecture in the world and I owe you a great deal of appreciation for opening an amazing world to my eyes.... please PLEASE keep up your wonderfully talented work....if ever I sell my writing and become rich I want some of your photographs to grace the walls of my home!!!!!
Don't give fedz all this attention.... he clearly is a loser who probably has never done a decent thing in his life...a waste of a human bilking the Govt of funds to live on.... the Internet gives these sociopaths a new venue to harass from. I know a nasty flamer in Colorado we can ship fedz there and let the two of them duke it out til the end...fedz can pick up her trailer and throw that around!
I absolutely LOVED this series and would like to see more of these types of shots. Candace was awesome and so good at telling a story through expression...your best ever Motts!
UGH!!!! This is just horrid...almost as bad as the potty in a jail cell. By the way Mott I found your Opacity site by accident and I have been so stuck on your work I have been sharing and using the wallpaper feature you offer to display when my computer in in time out( bad computer always misbehaves and has to be put in time out) hey might as well look at your amazing work while waiting for IT to respond!!!!
hummm and the award goes to the levels of privilege ... um I think based on how the system was employed in Norwich and still is employed at CVH in Middletown Ct... the general area I currently reside. The patients are challenged to succeed by virtue of the successes of peeers (we call it peer pressure today...I call it bullying)
Learning Curve?
what should be used for the next ad for Red Door Cologne
Oh man I would LOVE to have some of those rocks in my collection!!!!
Alex, I think that it's probably a darkroom for the development of photographs.

I love this picture. The shadows, lighting, the way the window falls across the door that way--probably my favorite on the whole site.