12 Comments Posted by Chicobo329

'ee' and 'ou' remind me of phonics, I suppose there's a version of Scrabble that used such tiles. I remember an old Seasme Street version of Scrabble that had similar pieces, though they were made of cardboard, these appear to be wooden or plastic.
Correction, I meant the files and papers, not just the room itself n.n;
Anything useful or noteworthy in this room?
Damn! I thought it was a 5 1/4" inch until I saw its size compared to the nearby book o.o Was it labelled?
This might sound strange (probably will X^D) but did you try sniffing the stain? It could help in identifying it. I doubt it's poop or blood or anything, I can guess it could be paint or something.
Those tire tracks are fairly recent it seems, were they from a security patrol?
Makes for a good wallpaper too :^D
Ah gotcha ;^)
Eeee...are you alright now, Motts? Was the dizziness severe or just mild? Might wanna bring a breathing mask or something if you ever plan to come back n.n;
Dude, easy on the caps, there's enough people around as is mindlessly keeping the caps lock on :^P

I would imagine the roof isn't quite stable enough and climbin' up there would be way too risky and might not even be worth it (at best there might be bird nests inside :^P)
Looks like a good candidate for a new wallpaper, eh? :^D
Out of curoisty, why would they perform EMT training inside old and abandoned buildings such as this?