53 Comments Posted by Brent

Quite...um...bizarre indeed... The photo at the very top is a model of a grand stadium Hitler was wanting to be built had they won the war... In fact, they wouldn't lasted too long as much of Hitler wanted to build would have bankrupted them 60 times over.
Now this one really is just perfection. Composition, angle, lighting... Oh my! If they ever wanted to redo Dark Shadows... Or like a good follow-up to the events depicted in 1966-1971 when the show aired, this would make a heckuva opening shot-type image...
Wow... Perfectly excellent IR filter shot this one is...
Woah... Just a real stark shot... Like nature reclaiming what needs to be reclaimed. No humans, nature gets to take it back... Like what we took to create it from nature, it will eventually reclaim for its own.
I really like these type shots!!! It looks like a trillionth of a second after a high nuclear airburst... But is also a nice place to sit and whittle away the sweet day with a glass of tea, whisky or beer... Really excellent!!!
The use of green makes this one truly stand out. Very well done!!! Of course it looks like its glowing with radioactivity... Still quite the perfect opening shot!!!
This is truly an excellent shot. The composition and everything is spot on classic! Just another testament to Mr. Kirsch's talent...
Kind of looks like a sequel to Day of The Triffids... Or at least a cool remake... Nice shot!!!
That shot makes me think of an abandoned classified government research laboratory... Nice one!!!
Now this is one eerie shot. The pitch black conditions along with your lighting setup makes this very eerie indeed... Really well done.
This one is a deep sepia shot that emphasizes the eerieness of the room. Even if sepia wasn't what you were using... Always classic regardless!!!
Dunno... This and the other shots of this room make me a little spooked. Great stuff, but the imagery of the insane getting showers this way just is a bit sadistic... Mostly for the women. I bet those attendants working the controls (both sexes) were at times quite lurid in their thoughts...
Wow... Just eerie and cool at the exact same time. Well done!!!
Wow... Really sublime this one is... Reminds me of those old color classic clunkers set in the old nuthouses...
That looks as if it was hit with a freeze ray... Totally cool.