11 Comments Posted by Brady

This tile work has been since removed from the hotel.
Very sad to know cityvest robbed any potential left in the old building. Today looks nothing like any of these pictures inside, its an empty, dark, wet shell that is going to fall down. The only marble that is left are the beautiful 2 story tall pillars and even their days are numbered. THIS IS A JOKE ALREADY WE NEED TO kick cityvest out. The people should be in charge - obviously THE PEOPLE care more about this historical place then cityvest -who only cares about the depth of their own pockets!
Yeah this picture is really good.
I believe that would be liquid soap in those jars as per Motts' last visit:
Is it just me or does that highly resemble the hallway with the chair in Session 9?
Which is worse? People tagging Byberry or you b*tiching about it in every picture? We get it, you don't like the graffiti.

Motts, is the lighting (other than the shaft of sunlight) in this picture flashlights? It's got a sort of strange greenish hue.
Twug, that's your opinion and you're certainly entitled to it. My opinion is that it's a natural process much like mold and decay. Clearly we don't agree. Such is life.
Luckily for you it didn't spell out REDRUM!!
Not for nothing, but isn't trespassing to be in a position to read those files a crime? I love all of Motts' pictures and I don't have a problem with urban exploration, I'm just saying that if we're looking to throw laws around then getting into a locked area to read them seems to be illegal as well.
That picture almost looks like a Photoshopped image. It's crazy that a tree could grow out of a floor like that.

Also, the stark contrasts in color vs. monochrome between the organic vs. artifical is amazing.
How is this any different than the molds or decay that have overtaken these ruins? To me it all just blends together to create an interesting texture. Seems to me that graffiti is just another organic development in abandoned structures.