59 Comments Posted by Brad

Danny when you get onto letchworth road there is building on the left and right. Go to the right, then go into the second building on the left. You will have to go thru the window in the back. Once you get in go straight across into the room and to the right corner there is a door. Its a tunnel.
One of the wings burned down a little while ago but the rest still stands. While its sketchy because the Hanson fire department said that its unstable and wont help if you fall through the floor its still a cool place to go minus the asbestus levels being the highest in years. There have also been claims that people have heard little girls laughing and stuff like that.
Werd, Larry D, werd. The masonry is immaculate- a product of a time in our country when buildings were built to last 500 years, rather than 20.
This has to be one of the most depressing areas to ever have to take a @#$%.

No Flush and No Toilet paper by all accounts.
This would be the LAST thing you would see as a free man before being booked into Hell.

I can imagine the host of Tales from the Crypt sitting behind the receiving desk and saying "Heee heee hheeeee...Enjoy your stay!"
When you all think your life sucks and you have gotten a raw deal from life....look at this picture.

Human beings just like you and me were forced to live in these conditions for years.

Be Thankful....
I would LOVE to set up a Ghost Cam here.
This whole image is priceless.

Once an active jail cell that housed angry, violent, vicious criminals for years is now a last refuge for the most desolate and hopeless of our population.

The suffering goes on....only now it is not the criminals who are tormented but those that society has turned their backs on.
Just think of how many men moved through this prison since the 1830s.

The concentrated aura of despair and hopelessness is sure to project paranormal activity.

I saw the TAPS show that investigated this place and they recorded some freaky S$#@
I see the locals are having fun...judging by all of the empty beer cans.

It is very very sad to see such a historical building being so neglected and now inhabited by Crack Head and Winos.

I suppose you would have to be drugged or drunk to want to live in a empty prison cell.
it's not haunted, I lived on North street and went into the building 3 times. we didn't hear a peep. we didn't even have a flashlight the first time, we used lighters to see.
My OWN bathroom isn't that clean!
I had a nurse tell me years ago that the ONLY good thing to come out of the AIDS pandemic is that the medical profession finally started treated blood as the biohazard it is (how ironic), rather than wearing it as a red badge of courage. That really made me stop and think.
Dude... WALLPAPER!!!!
Yay! Back in America! I love the Europe pics and all, but I feel like I can relate better to the American pics. Maybe I'm closed-minding.