219 Comments Posted by Bob

This looks like a pressure reducing station where high pressure steam is taken down to medium or low pressure for other uses.
The spaciousness of the area! and alone sits a fixture.
Man!! I love those archways.
The fire box blower is top center and the fire box is bottom center.
This is definitly a "Scotch Marine" fire tube boiler
This is a fire tube boiler, most likely a "Scotch Marine" type.
The tubes are called "passes, this is where the gases of combustion flow to heat the water contained inside the shell. What you see here is the rear door and tube sheet(the water is behind this tube sheet), the large opening is the first pass and the main fire chamber, the smaller openings are the other passes.
This appears to be a four pass boiler.
No fun and games makes Jack a dull boy
Where's Nurse Ratchet?
The memories. I learned to set type in high school (1982) - same class that taught me B&W photo processing. We had to memorize the layout of the type drawers - it was NOT alphabetical order! You NEVER wanted to drop one the heavy drawers of type on the floor, you 'd be looking at hours and hours of sorting.
Indeed, overly fitting song for an overly eery picture...
When I look at photos like this I always wonder if the person that last touched the object had any idea that it would never be used again.