681 Comments Posted by Binky

Can't code - straightjacket is too tight.

Seriously, they are made by "Posey"? Seriously?
It sounds like they are still using the records from what Motts said. It probably made sense to someone to leave them locked up here and available for research verses transporting all of them elsewhere.

Various entities have different rules for how long records must be kept. Animal records in the US must be kept for 7 years, airplane parts records ( especially the turbine blades ) must be kept for the life of the part or airframe.
This would be the room where they cleaned the zombies, ritually and physically, before sending them off to play with the townsfolk.

Mmmmmm, smells like fresh zombie!!
Looks like it could also be used for dripping Absinthe through sugar cubes...
I won't ask about why they need a viewing window into a morgue reffer unit.

I won't say anything tacky like "them's good eatin'"

And I won't mentian Zombies, because obviously, the goats have the problem well in hand.
Your Back! Your Back! Your Back!

I hope everything turned out well.
Thanks Bobo, I'm guessing the ice has melted by now.
Looks Like Chapel Plywood to me..
But, which way lies insanity, and which way the other?
Good one Bobo. Creepy Brady Bunch House....

With one bathroom...
Sezione = Zombie?
See, the amazing thing about this it that it is 50' underground, and that ambient light is one of Mott's minions running down the hall with a bic lighter in a timelapse..

Oh, and that picture of Stalin in black mold on the ceiling.
! no way, one cool doorway with nice tiles does not make up for the rest of the lackings.

OK, the incredibly tall archways and hallways are also totes cool, so it's like building to building, but the word amazing should be reserved for stuff that really is uber-cool.

I should go now...
Funky Futon of Fail?

The cabinetes are totally cool
Darkness, mold, awesome pearlescence of the linolium walls, second the emotion.

Looks like someone was collecting something on the floor.

Florescent lights, why?