
Even THIS looks like a machine of torture.
The token chair.
Reminds of the doors in "Monsters, Inc."
The comment about the wedding dress killing people... tales from the crypt had that story on it....
in comparison to the other pics you have of the cribs... this one looks almost new....
Did the boy jump or fall through the roof or something?...
The colors come as a bit of a surprise
amidst the gloom.
I am happy that the goverment now gives assistance to people who take care of thier family at home... i have a 3 year old son who had a bleed inside of his head (size of an aprocott) they had to cut part of his brain to remove the blood and becuse of this he is blind, and developmentaly delayed. I think this would have ended him up in a place like this. He has come along way through tons of therapy... and by age 7 he should be "normal" but this would not be possible if it were not for the govermnet. they pick up the tab that my insurance does not cover ( insurance pays 80% ) between the bleed and the bone marrow transplant my son has racked up over 6 million in medical bills . I dont think all these instatutions started out bad.... i think it comes from being under staffed and lack of funding that caused this... im sure working in a place like this you start out with good intentions ... but after all the stress and being over worked it gets to you..
Simply grim.
from this view it looks like someone took all the fallen paint and put it in the tub
I agree with Anna.
The Bland building makes the colors of nature all the more beautiful.
It is so think a "disturbed" child did something every bit as normal as a regular child. This is a sad, eerie shot that looks almost staged in its simplicity.