1,827 Comments Posted by eldokid@aol.com

Same here, every day I come back hoping for more photographs!
A Beauty Shop from Hell
stainless steel has a half life of 10,000 years I think
This is the most sinister looking tub I ever saw. If I was the kind that took baths, seeing this would put and end to that and I would definitely switch to showers!
Perfect way to end a week, with a new gallery. Thank you!!
Looks like some place where Quasimoto would hang out!
11:40....isn't that the same time that Titanic sank?
look how the ceiling is perfectly white
This comment is a bit late but just exactly where were you standing to get this picture? I see they've renovated this entire complex and are now luxury apartments, retail and offices. They did a fantastic job of renovation but honestly, would you be able to live in a place that once was a hospital? I know I probably could!!
These places are so dark and yet you capture them with such clarity and detail, the sign of a professional photographer! I vote for this to have it's own gallery, this is just a tease. I want to see more!
What did you do when you had to go to the bathroom and were in one of these things?
Anyone ever notice how similar theaters and churches are?
there's no pride in workmanship anymore, everything is manufactured elsewhere, it's a shame
I would so love to find one of these beasts and offer to buy it. Years ago a friend of mine had a pair he got out of some old theater and offered them to me FOR NOTHING. I just had to move them out of his basement. I turned it down because there was no way I could move these monsters up a flight of basement steps and I couldn't find anyone at the time to help me. Everyone said "what do you want those things for?" I often wonder if they are still down there, rotting away.
phiftybuick - yes, they did burn carbon rods for light, which is why they have the hoses coming out of the top for venting the heat and gasses.