1,827 Comments Posted by eldokid@aol.com

man I love this place
urology or proctology
geeze even then they locked up the narcotics?
me too and I would like to take that too! Damn, there's a lot of equipment here that it's a shame it's just rusting away
ohmygosh I want that stuff
I get them impression from so much rust that this place is very humid
yea me too, I'm surprised a collector hasn't taken them
Why is it turquoise never seems to fade?
oh my god
looks like a cross between a cash register, adding machine, rolodex, teletype and thingamajig
Even in this state of decay they're beautiful
It could be these are not patient related but just day-to-day office records, purchase orders, paid bills, work/repair orders, payroll and employee records, reviews, things of that nature. Keep in mind that all the years before computers were practical (the mid 70's when mainframes were norm) everything was typed and a hard copy. IF they are indeed patient files than I think there should be some movement to archive them in a safe environment where they won't be destroyed by mold, water and vandals. Personally I would love to dedicate my life to doing such work and search the country for abondoned hospitals and the record rooms that may have been left behind. In the future it will be boxes and boxes of floppy disks, tape and CDs that are left behind.
Your comment at the beginning of "no other place I wanted to be" makes me think of what a fortunate (and lucky) man you are. I have that feeling too just looking at your photographs and I think to myself, god, I so wish I could also go to these places, experience the sights and the smells. Mr. Motts, you need to invent a "scratch and sniff" website so us lowly people can get the full effect! Until then, I just have to imagine what this room smells like.
Mr. Motts is the MASTER!
ohmygod....none of these people look too happy, some of them down right scared. I can't even imagine being in a covered tub like that. I imagine this is what horror movies are made from.