It's kind of sad the way old equipment just gets abandoned.
That was kind of a shock.
This is really neat. The shadows set a great scene. Like you just surprised it or something.
That looks like the chain we use with our winch. It's pretty heavy duty.
I'm so glad to see new pictures. This opens a world to me. I live in the midwest.
That floor is very retro. I always thought they were ugly when I was a kid but now that you don't see them as much its nice to see them
Lynne, did some of the hopitals put clients in rooms with half walls? Couln't that be dangerous?
It looks like the head of a flocked rabbit. Rather cartoony, don't you think?
These photos aren't just a form of art, they are a form of thought. To make people think, and imagine. Through a lens in a small metal box, you change our emotions.
The painting of the hand is a different style from the rest of the painting. To me it looks like it was added on after the original was long completed.
a very interesting picture....u stole that chair uu w*nker!!
Looks like someone tryed to escape the bright blue light but didn't quite make it..
Looks like something my girlfriend Dora would be interested in..lol Man, I love this site! Thanks, Motts.
motts, i have no idea who you are but my hat is off to you such amazing pictured i love this site i have always had an unquenchable thirst for old creepy buildings, fascinations with old hospitals so on and so forth and this has given me all i could ask for plus so much more! thank you for your dedication to this line of work you capture the heart and soul of these places you can almost feel the souls lurking in the shadows awesome shots keep up the great work!!!!
zomg! finally we see a soap dispenser!!! YAY SOAP! i was beggining to wonder if they even used soap lol