605 Comments for Marlboro State Hospital

I enjoy the writers use of both capital and lowercase "e"s.

Revelation 13:18 (King James Version)

"And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six. (666)"

I find it hilarious that an illiterate person would tell everyone else to learn to read, haha.
I have heard that the locks in old prisons and mental institutions, etc, are removed when the building is vacated so that anyone who happens upon the building can't get locked inside accidentally. What a fate that would be.
this pic shows that someone was utterly segragated
To the above comment. The book of revelation mentions "The Beast,666" More than once. You should read the Aleister Crowley inspired book Necronomicon. All of the information is in there.
ergh..... the numeral 666 has nothing to do with the devil nor the bible for that matter. Learn to read.
canada, from Auschwitz era? Your life is a number, be it money, birthday, or um... your social security number... So yeah life is a number not reduced to it.
could this be in conn.
These people did at least get somewhat of a decent burial. There are many graveyards at these old psychiatric hospitals and many people are buried in unmarked graves.
So many unknow people and each of them held a life story...
So silent that it hurts.
oh my god

it's god!
I've been to this cemetery many times myself and have personally seen the spot where marker #666 used to be. Someone has unfortunately stolen the original headstone and it is now marked with a wooden #666.
just a thought ...I know a guy who is deaf that I run into once in a great while. I cannot sign so we communicate with paper and pad . we each use a different piece of paper and just show them back and forth. the one sided conversations written seem very confusing if you were to read one and not know the circumstances around it. I have seen people read one an go "WTF?"
looks like a face on the stone!