751 Comments for Hotel Sterling

no there's a floor, but there's also a counter that gives it the illusion of having no floor (i wasn't there, but that's what it looks like)
if you're inturested in that type of stuff look up Urban Archiology, they sell those types of things (and light fixtures that are to die for)
it's sad that we've stopped building ornate buildings
it looks like there used to be more, see the bricks that look slightly out of place?
i love this!!!!
This building looks very similar to a certain death trap in Philly, known as the Beury Building.
Great set, Motts! Shame she had to be demo'ed.
First to comment! That is soooooo cool You never really see anything like that anymore.
I hope so one of those things would look fantastic on my lawn.
Did any President ever stay there?
It always surprises me that they put so much detail into the place that few people will ever see. (It's all about the details I guess.)
Do you think they sell off that beautiful scroll work, and finials before they tear it down?
This room scars the hell out of me! I feel like I'm trapped in some circus room and there are clowns just waiting to kill me..... I can almost here the music. Damn I hate clowns!
That really is a bird's eye view. So pretty, It looks hot and sultry off in the distance,
So this is what a Motel 6 looks like!