832 Comments for The Ladd School

I just can't imagine living in a place like this 7-24.. how would you ever get out? a system that large would never have time to review how each patient is doing.

is it really true that patients were ummm rented out. the horror stories of sex that are on some of these sites..... I just can't imagine... not even in my night mares.
what kind of camera are you using. if it is a digital. how do you keep the shutter or what ever open to light these shots with a flash light?
Nice pic but that´s just wrong,
Would not want to take a shower in there XP
the lone table waiting for the lone chair and perhapse the lone book
that chair is scary. The feet pieces creep me out.
I don't know why, but I LOVE this shot. Always impressed with your photography Motts.
I bet this place smelled.
Interesting building. It makes me think of the Space Needle in Seattle, for some reason.
Suicide Screens?
Thats actually a sink that has a flusher on it. I have seen it in hospitals. I am not too sure what the name is though.
Hey, y'know it's funny (or not) - someone spent a lot of money on this once upon a time, and now it's just kind of hanging out, all deserted in this nasty mouldering place.
I'm sure there are soap dispensers somewhere in the viscinity of the ceiling...
The extended baseboard behind the chair makes me wonder if maybe oxygen canisters could have been placed there, presumably with the tubes going over the back of the chair?
1 day and 3 years after I was born.