haha, my bad :]
Mott... in your photo that's labeled "Good Luck" i noticed something suspicious. You blurred out some text, so as i flipped through a few more pictures... i got to this one, i was the same setup of text on the log book as in that other photo.

I blew the photo up in photoshop, and after some guessing of letters i realized that it said,

*edited per site policy*

I found this interesting because when i searched for Massachusetts mental health center's i got nothing on Thompson Mental Hopsital. My mother used to work near 'Lemuel Shattuck Hospital' in Boston. She had a patient who ripped her eyes out while she was in seclusion...

good day Mr. Mott,

ps: didn't realized ur terms and conditions about comments until i typed all that, please dont take it upon me Mott. :]
hahaa, i found it out by doing some research!!
I noticed how you blurred some text, wonder what it said that made u do that... :]
blood and body fluids, YUMMY!
Getting a picture of that "caretaker" would of been interesting to say the least. I am sure he would of been more the willing to oblige your request. But I sure as hell would not ask him for a pic...lol... I would of probably been out the door just as fast as you!
Thanks J-131274... I think I just found my theme song for viewing this website.....lol!
it is scary that they left stuff behind like this book. The privacy of the patients that are recorded in this book can be exposed and that is not cool.
Another door/sign I hope not to see in any future dreams!
Fabulous in EVERY detail. How do you do it?!
Your photo makes it look like the paper goes on to infinity...great work!
actually Big Ed we use a 18 gauge needle suction like a vacutainer needle to extract the urine from the cup directly into the tube:-) you put the straw in the cup and attatch the urine tube onto the needle and hokus pokus its in the tube.
"...ummm....nice. Except for the syringes, it looks like those high-school science lab tables."

With the syringes, it looks exactly like my high school science lab tables.
Now that is pink! I loved these pictures. You did a wonderful job!
I love this.