Eck! I just swept and mopped firestairs from up to the 10th floor all the way down to the 1st a short while ago. But these stairs are a lot better looking even if dirty! :-)
You are certainly a brave man Motts. But if you put ammonia in a small spray bottle, it is a way to blind your assailant before you run. :-)
I'm now in the mood to play chess. LOL!
"Mentally subnormal" was where we were somewheres after we dropped the terms "idiot," "imbecile," and "moron" while we were past "feeble-minded" but not quite up to "mentally deficient," which of course was years before we used the term "mental retardation."
Like "retardation" it was initially not considered anything but descriptive - if you believe that intelligence lies on a bell curve then 1/2 the people in the population are above the middle score and half the people are below the middle score. If you are several "standard deviations" below the norm, statistically speaking, you would be "below normal" or "subnormal." However, it soon took on connotations like "subhuman," even though it was just meant as a descriptor.
In today's vernacular the person HAS (as opposed to IS) an "intellectual disability" and/or s/he needs "increased supports to make it in his/her environment."
No one is ever happy with things how they are. But that is usually a good thing. :-)
Idiot = originally "layman, person lacking professional skill", "person so mentally deficient as to be incapable of ordinary reasoning."
Imbecile = through the French from Latin imbecillus or imbecillis, weak, feeble; of unknown origin, weak or feeble, particularly in mind.
Moron = Coined by Henry H. Goddard who took the word from the ancient Greek moros, meaning dull or foolish.
Today's history lesson free, and worth every penny!
But before climbing out the EXIT window you must manipulate your way over/around the radiator... hmmmm, have to be pretty desperate to get out I'd think
i agree about the picture of the legs. ( I see its to pictures.... but the layout is so strange) it looks like his legs have been dnapped.... like what Kathy Bates did to that dude in MISERY