458 Comments for Belchertown State School

very creepy - making stairwwell .
i dont like the dark .

great shot though .
i love how it says SUCKA on the wall .

and i love the intricate details of the chairs .
amazing .
ewh .
the tiles look so gross .
looks like a robot pet .
creepy - making for sure .

. . .
very neat picture .

i love the striking difference between the backdrop on the stage and the grody tiles and deteriorating state of the theater .

great shot Motts .
This was the called the school building. Theatre is so graceful knowing what it really was. One of the clients that I knew was actually waked there after I no longer worked there. This site is amazing.
i actually live in b town and have been in every building email me of a building you want and i can grab a pic of them
I am in the room with several people who grew up at the school.Their opinion is that it should burn to the ground!
can you get into the building or is it guarded and blocked off???
My brother was a patient in 1964 until I don't know when he was released... My brother was a big family secret, and he was never spoken about since placed in the home.... I since have found his where abouts and am in touch with him today... He is 46 now and I am 47... Since we reunited in 1989 we have had a good brother, sister relationship, but I never ask about his stay in the belchertown state school.... If anyone could help me this quest, and maybe shed some light on the situation I would appreciate it alot....My brothers name is Daniel Lee Ricard and he was placed in 1965 or 64.... I know that he was 4 years old...He had cerebal paulsy .....I would welcome any info.....My e-mail address is Sevenholes45@yahoo.com awaiting a response This note is for GTG 65-69 Please contact me if at all possible
I worked 3rd shift as an Attendant for about three years ( 65' - 69'). Primarily I worked in K Bldg. I never knew of any patient going to a classroom or the theater. Over those three years I never even heard of the Theater. I spent some time assigned to each building and they were overcrowded and inhumane. None of the "residents" that I knew ever had access to such opportunities.
Oh My God!
Motts your photographs bring joy and fear to my heart, just incredible!! do you sell your photographs? because in my opinion you must be a professional photographer! I'm nothing but a beginner with a daily life digital camera, hopefully one day I'd be as good as you are (yeah right!).

to be honest I really love this photograph, and the whole website, I can't Believe I stumbled upon this website by mistake!!
I've always had this passion about abandoned buildings (for the story they tell) just brings fear to my heart what humans can do. I cannot thank you enough for this fantastic website!!!