992 Comments for Plymouth County Hospital

I'm sorry I But....forget it!!
odd very odd i dont understand why the slab is that filthy though looks like bird poo is on it
whats with the see through decoration? strange freinds indeed
i agree with ratchet
ok very creepy very creepy indeed
ok alot of the pictures i've been lookingat creep right the hell out this one well lets just say "i wanna go there soooo badly"
in the hospital I worked in, we used to put equipment packs together with all the usual tools needed for one operation and sterilize whole trays of the packs at once. You would chemically soak all the steel tools first, then wrp them in green surgical cloth and label them with a special tape that changed colors when it had been put in the autoclave. That one used live steam to sterilize the packs.
check out teaguefirephoto.com to see the pictures of the fires.
It looks alot like the really old powered anesthesia machines.
Yes, the upside down crosses drawn on the wall on either side of the word DIE are pretty creepy...
Cooler stories? Care to share?
this place is friggen amazing,

i went there and fell in love =)
to me it looks like there friging around behind there!!
I've been in that building before. Its wicked pretty but some screwed up stuff happend it there, it was nuts.
As much as the building puts me and awe and freaks me out at the same time, Im mad that someone tried to burn it down
the Soapboxes are the backsides of overturned lockers. Vandals, Goths, Visigoths and an occaisional Hun have run rampant through this gorgeous old building. Too bad we can't shoot 'em. I do know some of the cooler stories from this place...