319 Comments for Barlow State Hospital

Ah...Brady Bunch paper! "It's a sunshine day.."
2 showers a week? Yuk!
eldokid I thought the same thing, lol!
Yay yay yay new gallery! Thanks, Mr. Motts..you don't know how excited I get when I come here and a new gallery is ready to go!
I would not mind a "Start From scratch"....If it meant keeping Opacity up and running.

I'd say go ahead! I'm sure everyone would say the same!
Motts, you know we'd all like to keep it going. If there's anything needed to keep it going that I can help with, please let me know.

We all appreciate this forum very much. It is the best Urbex forum. I appreciate all the years I spent here and hope for more! ;)

Tony C.
ok, here I get the art and the history and the intent (many of your photos have shown me this but why backtrack and comment? no point)
so here I feel like I "get it all"! thank you so much for creating this site!
this makes me sad. my mum was in shenley in England (in and out a few times) and to think records like this are discarded so without feeling bothers me
when I first saw this pic I was like.....wtf? then I read the description and it all made sense, mostly lol. again thanks for the comments and insights guys.
you do have a great eye for photography (several co workers ive introduced to this site have told me so) to be honest im more interested in the decay/abandonment/history of the buildings so the artistic stuff is great but I don't catch it most of the time.....til its pointed out by other commenters.
maybe they where all nailed shut after everyone was gone?
I have been lurking on this site for about a year.......didn't think you would be back, so no comments.
welcome back! I love your work, and tour daring! I never even knew places like this existed until I found your site after reading an article on jan toppan. thank you so much for your photos and thank you and lynne and many others for their insightful comments.
I'm not sure what you have in mind but I asked some questions over at SMF and they directed me to this page on upgrading. I hope it works out that you can keep the site up.
OK I think I've managed to get it back up and running temporarily. I'm not really sure what to do about it quite yet, but it might just be too outdated to bring it up to snuff, so everything would need to start on a clean slate here on opacity or elsewhere (facebook?)... thank you for offering to help, but I think I just need to sit down with the site this summer and work on this stuff!