Are those Mr. Mott's footie prints in the snow? This is the same room in another gallery, different angle. But it's the same bed, same sheets, same radiator. BUT there was a table next to the bed, I had that photo as my desktop also, and that image is burned into my memory. (like most of Motts shots). "Motts Shots" that would be a good name for a book. Which reminds me, I recently purchased a book called simply "Asylum" and there were several photographs that I could have sworn I saw here so I think Mr. Motts should investigate to make sure his work isn't being pilfered. They didn't give any credit to the photo but it was the one taken through a round window on a door that was all crinkled with paint, I know I saw that here.
Very interesting but I agree with BKW about blocking out the name of the patient and Dr since I work in Medical records in a Dr's office personally I don't care how many years ago it was I wouldn't want anyone I know or myself to be seen by all. Yes , pt confidentiality is very important!!! Its no one's business really. Its a very sad read. Just think if they did that to alot of patients back in the day. All those medications and EST wow. How very very sad. Interesting but very sad. I hope that woman did find peace sometime. I hope she got to leave that place but one never knows does one. Esp in those days.
Greast photo as always Motts. Even when it was in use though I don't think I'd want to take a bath in that room. It looks awful really. Also the green color dosen't help much either. Ugh. At least to me anyway. Or the shower either.
Yeah, I second that about TootUncommons reply....perfect as usual!! It is sad to she a beautiful or what was a nice instrument gone but when things are left to just waste thats what happens to them...I guess it goes to show everything has an 'end' sad but so true just like the buildings too.
Those tunnels went ,or were connected to all the bldgs,spent many days in them,Older employees would bring us new ones down there to get us lost.. Miss those old guys..Alot of good people worked there..
This was the roller skateing rink, last used mid 60's. was still in good shape when I started working there in the early 70's ,but never saw it used...
I worked at Norwich State Hosp x 22 yrs prior to its close in 1996. These are chicken cages that were stored in that room. They were originally used in Ribacoff Bldg where the animal lab was.