4,081 Comments for Norwich State Hospital

soap dispensers can give you cancer
where is the ventilator? nevermind......CLEAR!
ok what is that stain that is on the seat in the front row?
Now, the only thing as creepy as WALL tile is exposed pipes painted to "blend in" with the wall. Always makes me think of the building's "guts" being visible, like the rooms are inside out...shudder....
I would be afraid to sit in that theather. Its like the weight of the place is above your head. I dont know I just think it would freak me out!
makes you wonder who is behind that door waiting for you :)
looks like a watercolor dream. I LOVE this picture!
It's amazing how clean this place is, how not trashed it is even though these images were shot 10 years after the facility was closed.
guess someone kicked it off the wall
where is the soap dispenser?
Now this looks more normal.
how many locks on that door at the end?
reminds me of my high school shower room
did you find a headless Mary there too?
There is something un-utterably creepy about tile on WALLS!! Yes, I get that they're non-porous, sanitary and easy to clean, blah, blah, blah... but the tiled walls in these places alone would drive me UP them!! This looks like a bunch of theater seats installed in the bottom of an empty swimming pool. Even the color. Bizarre is the only word that comes to mind.