after their shock therapy they got their hair fixed
well said Roy and blue lamp!!
all i can say is i really feel sorry for all those who had to go through that.....its bad enough they had to suffer with their illness...then get treated worse than an animal....im surprised they just didnt start sending them up in space instead of dogs and monkeys....i mean really they were treated so bad.....its so sad!
I love the one bed that is facing towards the window, almost hopeful feeling. Great shot, Mr. Motts, and amazing gallery.
Me NO like the hotbox.
I wouldn't want to sleep in there!
Thank you, Roy! It fits this photograph, perfectly.
weird that they would put a mental patient in that thing and not think of the many ways they could hurt themselves.....thanks for showing the inside Motts!
Just so unique, I have never seen anything like it! :)
This is TOTALLY WOW material! Would be a great opening shot in an upcoming horror movie!
Cute kids. Bet they are all grown up with their own kids, by now!
Yeah, that's kinda creepy. Just her smiling face and head on a "crazed" blue wall!!
Mental health should be as important as physical health care, in fact they should be hand in hand, because one sure effects the other!
LOVE it!
wonder how many people they "accidently" killed while useing this treatment?......poor people back then....they were more or less treated like expirimentle rats!!