1,382 Comments for Dixmont State Hospital

patients were treated like a guinea pig instead of an actual person.
and the ones who had very severe and disturbing conditions were
kept in the tunnels of the mental facility so nobody could see them.

they also performed some kind of shock thepary(sorry cant
remember the name)and these treatments were so severe that
patients would often break bones.

they also performed lots and lots of lobomoties which included
ice picks and needles into the brain to silence violent patients.
perhaps some regret? it looks almost like scooby doo got an extension, it looks like this was here when the hospital was still functioning, the patients tell a story no one will ever really understand or have ready answer to, maybe the3y saw something evil or knows the man with thew horns from experience, or the woman with the red eyes has some regret for some known action only to the past, or the patients knew her all too well, as i have said before the mystery of the mural is something that only the past can explain, but with the building gone as i have come to understand, it makes it all the simpler just to ponder what once was, maybe the answer will come to us someday....
Where could I find examples of the experimental methods that psychiatrics would use on pacients?
looking for psychiatic abuse in 1800-1900's
@DeafAngel: For me treatment meant ECT and or some sort of other envasive procedure while an exam was just that an exam to see if there were other physical underlying problems. Hope that helps.
Perfect place for one of those evil tunnel clowns to hide and jump out at you. Damn tunnel clowns. *cocks Glock semi-auto* Lol. Still it is a interesting picture.
Up the down staircase
Sorry but your story sounds like bullshit to me. You ARE not put into an psych hospital for smoking pot. Unless you had some other kind of issues. Also you don't get sent to a quiet room for admitting you smoked. So again I call BULLSHIT on your "tale". Take it from an ACTUAL former patient from Southern Cali. I have bipolar 2 disorder w/psycotic tendenies and would sometimes be escorted to the quiet room, ie a "padded" room where I could calm down. No doubt some of the staff in these places were pricks and the mothaf!%kas needed a couple of caps popped in their mothaf!%^in' asses.
man the should have kept this place up and made a haunted house they would make millons wut idiots
Good shot!! It looks like something from a horror movie!
Do I see a camera on a tripod under the window in the back??
Fascinating photograph. Really represents the suffering mental illness has to offer. Should it get to this point un-treated. Truely saddening.
i was up there four times and could not find a way in this building.
the first time i was there i walked right through there and didn't notice that until i was outside the building and said "i'm glad we didn't walk through that part, oh, wait..."
The fact they build a freaking Wal Mart over this ticks me off. Its not like theres a shortage of wal marts, jeez people.
I recently bought a book about Dixmont that was loaded with photos before the place closed, after it closed, during it's decay right up until the time some family bought it. This mural is included in the book and it's explained that these were people that worked there, and the sixth woman from the left "originally had a bird on her head because one of the residents thought it would look good." This is a quote from the book. Bird on her head or bloody eyes, either way this whole mural is a bit disturbing.