1,382 Comments for Dixmont State Hospital

I hate walmart so much... I seriously hope they burn. My hometown in Alaska has only one overpass, and it's all thanks to walmart. It's the stupidest, most god-awful waste of money I've ever seen in the history of the town. I boycotted walmart years ago, and still do. I miss the local stores, the mom-and-pops... better selection, better quality goods from them.

But it's even worse when historic, architecturally-beautiful sites like this get mowed over for the greedy, consumerist pigs.
there's the eye comment again lol great shot though Motts
I'm pretty sure the horns and blood was added after the place closed by some explorer thinking he or she was being funny, not by any patients while the place was in operation.
What a waste it was for Wal-Mart to just tear it down (which was a very tasteless thing to begin with,almost as bad as building condos on sites like these) and they didnt even use the land! They left it to return to nature! So really,there was no need to tear it down in the first place now was there? Just wasted millions of dollars on a project that got nowhere when they could of just let it be
Timeless! Very spectacular. Love very much indeed.
Love it! Absolutely good three windows! A fine light room back in the days.
What a set of windows; sigh! The beauty of it! Small room; lots of light!
Motts you have SUCH an eye.
i agree big l
well put rich
lovely room with a veiw
Nope, Harrisburg State Hospital, was in Harrisburg PA, Dixmont was just outside of Pittsburgh PA. Two different places.
If the horns and eyes were done by a patient, I can see what's going on and it disturbs me deeply
Ahhhhh mos. def. a Mottesque-picture. that light at the end, just love it, it is perfect. Be well and stay in joy.
I have also given most of the psych meds mentioned in the discussions about psych care. The medications protect the patient from hurting themselves or others. I have injected Haldol through a pair of jeans and into a thigh on a violent ER patient being restrained by multiple ER.EMS, and security staff. The only way to protect everyone concerned. I think of it as better living through chemistry.