2,646 Comments for Clairvaux Tuberculosis Hospital

That You, Mr. M. ? How cool!I haven´t seen you much - tough Byberry. Maybe once.
Committed, dedicated, devoted + engaged is a very good look too.
May the road rise to meet you always.
This is the same chair from the Nov 2004: Restraints album, the table has moved a bit out of frame but other than that it is still the same. Here is the link to the first picture: http://opacity.us/imag..._chair_with_tray.htm
N, BKW, paper stacked tightly together like that takes a lot of heat to get burning. The loose edges would burn then the rest would smolder.

Mica, The pretext which the people who stacked the papers were probably given is that putting them all in a central location was a step toward sending them all along to another place for safe keeping.
That's craftsmanship Toot. If you take the time to do it right instead of fast it lasts.
I remember that sort of thing eldokid, in the later 60's and early 70's.
We got Polio vaccine in sugar cubes. I think it was two times.
I remember they were always having problems withe tracking records so they just gave a vaccine to anyone whose record was ambiguous or missing.
Well this made for a perfect evening. Thank you Motts for another great trip! You never fail to amaze with your photos.
This has just the right amount of junk in it. The kidney basin matches the chair and looks like a second kidney basin under the foot rest.
This is outstanding!
Lighting is absolutely perfect. The room glows.
That is an electrician's nightmare.
I will pass on all of the above, thanks anyway.
What adhesive did they use on tiles on walls? They never fall off!
Goodness - your pictures are so sharp.
That little window? What IS it? Opaque glass?
Room of Axeman?
Mostly raccoons, pigeons, and the occasional opossum; rats and mice seem to always be near some source of food like a dumpster in an alley. Came across vultures guarding their nests in the upper stories of buildings too.

Lots of spider webs to walk into for sure... but there are often more in the woods that I hike through to get to the place. Sometimes I'll grab a branch and wave it around in front of me while I walk, to catch them before my face does.