2,646 Comments for Clairvaux Tuberculosis Hospital

@ another Pearl looking light bulb! Thats cool!
Ferdy, i was wondering if anyone would notice that! Thats what i thought when i looked at this for the first time.
The urology lab -- all pissed away.
He waited too long for the one who was just his type.
Eldokid, I remember when folks were allowed to smoke pretty much anywhere. They were just as angry, hyper, stressed-out, anxious, irritable, and explosive as they are now. Cigarettes don't do it. Now thorozine -- that may just be the ticket.
The head-rest above the back of the chair is typical of old dental chairs.
I think Claudia is right. The keys are an alphabet, not a number pad. The black knob to the right of the pad appears to slide down toward the operator pulling in the cylindrical device that is at the front. This would be set for the imprint of thin metal plates. The machine is obviously very old. I like it, even in the poor condition that it's in, still very nice piece.
Actually it has nothing to do with the proximity to the sea. Mojolica, as well as a few other major manufacturers of ceramic tile used the shell theme. There are such tiles in the old apartment building down the street from where I live. Very far from any sea.
wow!! this is breathtaking!
You are right that it looks like marble walls back there. I was looking at the desk and didn't even notice that those were showers in the background. Thanks
people work here still? That would rule!
I looked at this photo again and finally figured out what this was. DUH on my part.
Hey Motts, ever thought of making an album of creepy graffiti pics?
chilling and creepy. perfect
Was the X-ray used for eugenics sterilization?