2,646 Comments for Clairvaux Tuberculosis Hospital

If you can actually read the flyer..it's quite vulgar.
All-purpose cathetre anybody?
Unfortunately, most of the strains are resistant to antibiotics. Whats really scary is when we have a patient that has been walking the hallways and rooming with another patient , just to find out they have turned out postive on a TB test.
You can do a general serach for TB on the internet. Contact your local health department for outbreaks in your area. Speak with your regular doctor. You can even search for information through Centers for Disease Control. (CDC)

Sadly, Tuberculosis is not dead yet.
where can i get information about TB
My understanding would be that the switches would be left in the 'on' position, and in event of a power failure, the battery would automatically cut in. The switches were probably to cut off power to lights if they were being worked on.
Exactly that! Like its been under water for decades.
Looks like miniature town in winter. It's great. I love your photos! I wish there were such abandoned places like this here in germany.
So vibrant! Well done!
The power is left on to prevent 'street miners' from stripping the place of copper. As for the life of these bulbs, if you have a high quality bulb and a good industrial ballast you can gets YEARS from a bulb. The store I manage still has almost 90% tubes from when the store was built 10 years ago, whereas the 40 or so halogen Par3 50 watt lamps have been replaced 4 times over during that same time.
Motts, did you go in?
hope I'm not there real soon...
"A surprise in every one..."
Gotta love those violently red "bodily fluids" bags!
Remember - it's the thought that counts... lol!