629 Comments for Bannerman's Arsenal

i don't know which one but there are braces put in place to to not help mother nature completely destroy the place
There are some beautiful places along the Hudson river that's for sure.
Several photos back I was going to ask if his summer house was still there but I thought I would wait and see. Sure enough...here it is. Thank you!
I don't know why I am so fascinated with floors that have holes or are missing...must stem from an early childhood moment although I can't imagine what.
why don't they just outlaw our freedom and get it over with
It seems like a strong gust of wind would blow this down.
So the question not yet asked, but so obviously must be asked is:

Did you use.........??
YES - THANK YOU SO MUCH: New Gallery - lucky good you got theses Picture - excellent work concur - fine you did this....then....
More excellent work !
Thanks Mr. Motts. Great revisit to an old friend.
Adjusted for todays Dollar this place cost a freaking fortune. Most likely at the time of the fire a refurb was out of reach, for even the deepest government pockets. What a shame.
The fire would have weakened the cement and brickwork.
It burned in 1960 autoguy
Was informed by a tour guide while kayaking that the metal isn't rebar but actually a bed frame. Bannerman used any object he could during construction to save money. Not sure if it was true but we took a closer look and it really did look like a bed frame and not rebar.