beautiful fireplace. Definitely not like what they shove into homes nowadays. Thank god for salvage shops.
beautiful ceiling.
Great gallery!
The floors and walls don't look too bad, was there any part of the buildings that had bad floors or water damage?
Nice angle- quite daunting as the door seems to to loom upwards.
Wow nice angle- I love how the paint on the walls has slowly peeled back- ripping itself away from the walls over many years of neglect.
Nice.. very detailed
I love your consciousness of shadows in all your B&W shots.
Very nice.
State of bliss, Haha!
That fire place makes me think of somthing from a Lewis Carrol book. If youly it had a looking-glass
Not only is it a treatment room but an emergency box is located inside aswell.
Wonder what it's made of?I'm assuming oak but I could be wrong.The thing that makes this place stand out is all the really nice carpentry work.
Now they don't make fireplaces like that anymore.I'm assuming this must be handmade.Mass produced goods don't have that kind of quality.
That mural really doesn't look that old.Well it's cheery and I think the patients here probably needed as much cheering up as possible.
On further explorations, bring a chair,( just in case!!!:-)