I am happy that the goverment now gives assistance to people who take care of thier family at home... i have a 3 year old son who had a bleed inside of his head (size of an aprocott) they had to cut part of his brain to remove the blood and becuse of this he is blind, and developmentaly delayed. I think this would have ended him up in a place like this. He has come along way through tons of therapy... and by age 7 he should be "normal" but this would not be possible if it were not for the govermnet. they pick up the tab that my insurance does not cover ( insurance pays 80% ) between the bleed and the bone marrow transplant my son has racked up over 6 million in medical bills . I dont think all these instatutions started out bad.... i think it comes from being under staffed and lack of funding that caused this... im sure working in a place like this you start out with good intentions ... but after all the stress and being over worked it gets to you..
It is so wrong.....to think a "disturbed" child did something every bit as normal as a regular child. This is a sad, eerie shot that looks almost staged in its simplicity.
Makes me appreciate the fact that we have the liberty to actually have private bathrooms in our homes. I worked with MR/MH people for years, and although some were severely handicapped, they at least were able to use a private bath (although sometimes with staff assistance). It is appalling to know how these folks were treated in the past ( and not even that long ago!)
Wow...a utica crib sounds like what I am looking for! I have a disabled daughter who sleep walks and climbs out her window at night. She's very strong and the last "politically correct" bed I got for her (which they currently use in hospitals for brain damaged patients) she tore to shreads. It's scary for people who have no options and need to sleep sometime. I can't sleep in bed with her forever just to be sure she's still here in the morning..........