1,846 Comments for Linton State Hospital

wow those kids on that building seem so out of place!
just nasty! don't even want to know what is in those jars!
I may be mental, however, I do know this is a light fixture....it is right? <giggle, hicup, hicup>
<giggle> you guys crack me up about this soap dispenser thing! That would have be one gob of liquid soap to come out of that dispenser!! They wanted people spic and span!
That sketer looks like he may be hungry or plain out thirsty for whatever is in that fridge. Is that actual size of that sketer? If so, i prefer where I am in southwest Georgia, because our sketers are tiny but can lay a bite! Now, gnats, we are always waving gnats away from our faces in our neck of the woods, and many strangers that come traveling by thinks we the most friendly town because of all the waving we do!! So I guess one can say that the gnats makes us very hospitable! This is one kewl shot!
Now thats more like it!
loads going on..... love it!!!!!
Something thats not ment.... a real masterpiece. I do like things that are stairing you right in the face.
Truly a happy Snap!
very erie lonley, scary
The whole soap dispencer thing is an ongoing joke here at Opacity. Just as I found out a few months ago.
The metal protects the door from being scraped up by stretchers and wheelchairs. Otherwise, the door would need to be constantly repainted. Before automatic door openers, the door would be pushed open by the gurney, I think.
I have always wondered, If I could spell. No that's not It, but why do they put metal at the bottom of the doors? Is it to protect them from stretchers?
Rtotten, I'm thinking they used it for one person at a time. Turning around might be tricky for two people walking in something so narrow. I think the shoeprints adds life to the picture.
that hand on the door is freeky, I would have stopped!!!>-)