1,846 Comments for Linton State Hospital

i like how the label says "IRON LUNG" in quotes, first labelling it properly as a respirator, then acknowledging the ubiquity of the vernacular term
namlit, you would maybe feel like it has deep meaning at the time, but whether such meaning is authentic and indeed true, is, well... debatable. that said, im all for embarking on such mental adventures, but in a place like that you may very well just end up having a bad trip.
debi... maybe b/c they see the 'USP' and they've maybe seen 'Normal Saline for Irrigation USP' and thought they were the same b/c of the USP, and they wanted to sound knowledgeable. still dumb tho. (USP stands for something like United States Pharm-something or other i think, not sure could DEF be wrong but i know its supposed to convey the meaning "standard" or "standardized"
i"d rather die
OMg !I really have sypathy for those survivors!i would really hate it in there!
thats scary .

i wouldnt want to be on that .
thats so creepy .

i couldnt imagine having to be in one of those .
Vandals and graffiti sprayers, you better leave these things alone - they are for looking, not for defacing. They're too precious to be defaced!

I worry about their future.
Unusual to see something too clean and spotless in an filthy abandoned hospital.
Lights, action.........
You guys are definitely on a roll.............Amazing what one picture can start!!
A humble and profound thank you for this education. My parent's generation faced this situation, and now I am very clear what that meant.
Again.........very sobering.
The additional "iron lung" photo you provided a link to was sobering...my best to Henry, glad these iron lungs came in colors and again, I learn so much from this site.
"I asked for a Blood Light!"

That's a great one.......!