457 Comments for Roseville State School

that just creeps me out!!
I actually know something about this facility. One of my friends worked here and one of my friends grew up here. Many of the kids here were so severely retarded that they couldn't have been rehabilitated. My friend who worked here said that many were comatose. However, during the depression, they caught some of the overflow from overflowing orphanages. One of my friends was left here with her sister by parents who couldn't feed them. They never returned for the kids and they grew up in this facility. They were normal kids when they were left here. Years of no stimulation and no education took a toll on them.
For Roland if you ever visit this gallery again - the toys were removed because the 'advocates' for the developmentally disabled decided it was demeaning for the residents to have them. Never mind that taking them away caused distress. So many of these advocates seem to think they know what's best for the residents even if it causes them to cry and mourn the loss. Just as they plan to move the people out of the only homes they have known because the 'advocates' know it's better for the people to live in the community. More integrated. How many DD friends do you have?
The kids in these cribs were severely retarded, not mentally ill. I've seen old photos of them in use. They are high so the nurses could reach the little kids. These are all in storage now, but when they were in use, they just looked like cribs with kids in them.
Sorry to burst any bubbles, but it was juat a chapel in the administration building. It was multi-denominational. Both the Catholic and Jewish faiths did a lot of work at this institution.
So sad - this is now gone. It originally had parquet floors and a beautiful foyer. Burned in 2006.
Great you got this shot. This building has since been burned to the ground. I've seen pictures of the building from the 1920's and it was magnificent. I wish I could get copies of them to post.
Since I know exactly where this picture was taken FROM, I am amazed at your agiity and courage. I love the shot. I work at this site. It will be closed for good in 2009.
This is one of my favorite pictures on the whole site. It's really creepy yet beautiful in its own way <3
"If Mr. McMurphy doesn't want to take his medication orally, I'm sure we can arrange that he can have it some other way. But I don't think that he would like it."

"You'd like it, wouldn't you Harding!"
Motts i truely do love your work !!
call the plumber i think the sink is broken
It's an old puddle of blood and guts.
Holly crap; that's a scene right out of the Silent Hill game