1,916 Comments for The Pines Hotel

Spent whole summers at Sunnycroft, 1957-1965, and more time 1966-1970. Mike deMello - would love to chat. Loved Lynn, Sylvia and Joe. Rich Unger - knew you, Annette, Mike, Morty et al. Last time I saw Annette we played tennis at the ranch. contact me at frogdbs@mac.com
Not surprising that it was built in the '70s AND it's the most decayed. Materials and workmanship just didn't come up to previous standards all over the country, and winters in that part of the country are less than kind to careless construction and maintenance.

This is, and always will be, my favorite location you have featured. Thanks for doing what you do and inspiring us all! -AbandonedOK
who is the girl with you?
I love the movie and the book and this place does remind me of them.
Floor to ceiling carpet...Groovy...
It's a shame that the elements lead to this place's demise. The views are amazing.
Man, what a shame. I bet that place rocked back in the day!
Bet so many "swinging" parties happened in that place!
I get cold just looking at that! Pretty awesome, anyway:)
Pretty Cool!
We had several conventions there and we were quite fond of the place. I think we had the last meeting held there. The food was so good. I remember the workers at the pool saying they were taking some of the plants home. There were quite a few. The pool was the best. After that all the places we tried never quite measured up to that.
This time of the year Is the "PITS", I miss SUNNYCROFT something fierce. I miss Michael D. I miss the girl I loved Annette Schneider before she got married and we were kids all alone at the ranch, I miss my Father , her Father, I miss Frenchie, I miss the "RANCH", what author Tom Wolfe say "you can't go home again", I say bs, you can go home, only Sunnycroft is no longer there. In your mind you can always go back. I miss the ranch this time of year. ,
Happy Thanksgiving to all
This is just gorgeous!