1,830 Comments for Buffalo State Hospital

Awsome pic with the colors.
This pic. is awsome! it's so creepy. Makes me want to know who was there.......
before I read that the red things were Christmas ornaments, I thought they looked a lot like chunks of fresh flesh!
I used to live in the neighborhood. These photos gave me the same shivers I used to get when walking past.
thats just sick why would people want to do that to us and animals only freaking phsycopathic idiots i guess
Oh wow that is really scary. It enrages me when I think about what it might have been used for. I have poem inspiration now too!

How could you treat me like this?
Make me so afraid?
Shock me until my ears ring,
Eating my small portion of sanity away
When you set me upon that THING
Why could you just torture me like that?
All the way to Hell
And actually GLOAT bacause nobody would believe me
So I couldn't ever tell.
Hey MariLynnie, wanna do some dirty deeds in that dirty room??? ;D
Don't tell me this was used to kill the patients. Well, looks like it.
sorry about the spelling here i fixed it

doctor will i live
doctor will i die
doctor am i sick
doctor am i fine
doctor i am scared
doctor i am cold
doctor do i have nothing to fear
doctor do i have anything at all
doctor can i go home
doctor can i go HOME
doctor is this new my home
doctor is this new my HOME
yes yes my dear patient this is your new home
and yes my dear patent you might die
and yes dear patent you have nothing to fear
and yes my dear patent you have no one at all who cares
and yes my dear patient your are probraly scared
and yes it is quiet cold
and yes dear pateient you are quite sick
thats why your tied down with cement and brick
i love wheel chairs (i like to ride them around in target its fun)
wow who ever kepts using there imagination to see things like nurses you give people like me something to look for in a photo and truly notice the true beauty fof these pics
yes thank you thank you mr. motts for helping me rember something thank you
that looks like a door from the twilight zone
i have no idea what your talking about with a demon sorta thing