1,830 Comments for Buffalo State Hospital

the wheelchair suvived its fears of the dark and now have come back to boast to its other wheelchair friends
yeah, and take my wife, please!
im with this arrow
itkinda looks like the back of the wheelchair says ho for a secand but now i see its 40
i love wheel chairs they rox my sox
that was really funny
one thing....i hate yellow

its not even a pretty yellow

its like pukey yellow

its like yellow got drunk the night before and had a hangover all day and its really sick

its like yellow had been dead for months and no one has noticed it has not eaten its peas yet

its like its rotting in a trunk some where and growing mold with flys and other buggs on it

its a horrible yellow on top of that its yellow in genarul

i feel so extremly sorry for who ever was in that room
whats writen on the wall on the closest left wall??
wow rancid corpse sounds like a kinda good band name
wow room #3
wow room #2
Just incredible photography.

Great work.
This was a respirator...for people who could not breath on their own. The pump inside would force oxygen into the lungs, and it would suction the carbon dioxide out.
Having been a patient here, I have a greater appreciation for the outside and not the inside...
OH GREAT,,,,now im hungry.