1,830 Comments for Buffalo State Hospital

Lynne is such a negative nancy. medication is used to a very large extent to make patients easier to deal with
I was one time given a forehead seatbelt
these chairs appear very human, clinging to their one ray of sunshine in a world of blackness
institutions like bright colors because on the face of it drab colors look dull and depressing while bright look colorful and engaging. drab colors do in fact encourage calmness and lucidity
this is one of the few situations in which one can effectively anthropomorphize <(how do you spell that) a chair. you can just imagine a scared little animal in a world of blackness and monsters
Whenever it was dark in the ward and i heard metal creaking i would imagine a wheelchair rolling itself down the hall
The thing on the right looks like a pregnant woman
this was built before they factored in that long narrow spaces give the impression that you're trapped in a pit and, while cool looking, are not soothing
The name "Gravesend" is a pseudonym for this hospital.
Lynne forgets that while it sucks to work there, it sucks to live there worse, because you never get to leave. Theyve got this thing with red carpeting and paint. some guy told me it was so blood wouldnt stain but i think he was just being a dick
what a cartoonishly evil name. i wonder if they thought about it before they decided
I don't think you could've attended Buff State and not have broken in at least once. An interesting fact about the psych center, it was the inspiration for Arcum Asylum in the Batman comics. Great shots
That is a horrible color and that light fixture is really creepy
creepy looking but awesome colors.
awesome colors.
but not good thoughts.