1,830 Comments for Buffalo State Hospital

im from blackrock and looking to start a team in buffalo ny if any one wants to meat up and do cases right me thank you for your time

Some inside shots were found here.

What's for Dinner?????

MMMMMM Meatloaf!!!!!!

Brought back some great memories about the midnight shows..LOL
Actually, if you do see the inside, its not dreary in the least (well, aside from the fact that its rotting now). Quite bright, in fact.
besides, that shrink sucked, he never wanted to listen to what i had to say, the act of which is like a fucking stethoscope to a shrink), and he got his doctorate in fucking Cabo San Lucas for chrissakes (one of those places). so eff him.
ECT is still used in the US for major depression, rarely, and very humanely (anesthesia, etc.), as a last resort. and it works. i've observed it first hand. seriously. there's some short-term memory loss and the year in which the treatments are administered became hazy at best and blank at worst (much of it), along with sporadic memory loss of previous events, but if nothing else has worked, it beats the alternative. at my worst I've also been "threatened" with it, though i'd call it more of a "strong suggestion." i was younger than the person i know who had it done, and as beleagured as I was, I couldn't let go of the very memories that plagued me. I know that doesn't make much sense, pragmatically speaking, but that's kind of the point. but i stand by my decision. fact is, it is the patients decision, this isn't cuckoo's nest or requiem for a dream (whose source material was written in the 70s). wasnt always that way tho.
It was an HH Richardson thing, the circle design is on alot of the buildings he designed
This is why architects cannot deal with "normal people".

Its a building designed my H. H. Richardson (known for Romanesque Architecture)...its supposed to be imposing, like ROMAN architecture.

Question... How can you make an assessment on a building when you have not experienced the inside?


How can a building with so many windows be dark, dreary, and depressing?

Please take time to consider what you may be inanely babbling on the internet before you do so.

Thank you.
Through the gorgeous door and beyond. Thanks for a grand tour.....as always!
And the "strangeness" was so nicely captured :)
This photo is a piece of art in every imaginable way.......cheers!
What a gorgeous shot.......it really is a beautiful picture!
The weight of history seems to be riding on these supports. Awesome shot.......
All shapes, colors and sizes.....interesting group shot of chairs!