i actually live in buffalo ny and visited it last night. unfortunatly you cant go inside, the place is constatly patrolled by police at hours of the day. mainly bc its located practically on buff state campus so alot of douch bags break in and graffiti it. but theres another part of the ward that actually gets used...this place is huge and has an awesome history.
I was at Buff State in '77-'78. We would cut through the hospital property to get to a liquor store nearby. You could almost hear the screams and crazed laughter of those locked away.........
people with mental health problems are some of the most understanding caring decent people i know random violence is RARELY caused by mental health sufferers normally just by a angry stupid idiot with no care of what they are doing.
places were negative things happend the negativity can stay in the air and you can feel it but does not always mean paranormal. but there is credible sightings including the so called ghost filmed on top of cane hill asylum uk on youtube.
back in the old days mental illness or TB sufferers were considered scum of society (of course they are not) but even back in the 1800s there were people fighting for the rights for people who could not fight for themselves.
we had an ect room at the hospital i just left but all the doctors there rufused to use ect on patients (or clients as they liked to call them) so it remained empty.
i have just came out of a mental health centre it is now un pc to say asylum in new zealand this hospital was so drab and boring just a concrete building compared to these old buildings with auditoruims and buildings with carecter i was not even allowed to have a smoke inside hospital grounds these old hospitals can't have all been bad.
really wish i lived in america, to see these lovley places, me and my brothers do the same sort of thing as motts but here in the uk, but theres nothing really left here now. these old buildings should be saved, all the history is being knocked down eveywhere,
The Richardson Center Group has issued their plans to redevelop this property and restore most of the buildings on it. Soon, there will be an opportunity for anyone to come into these buildings and gain some sense of what HH Richardson had intended.
I've been looking through the whole gallery (beautiful shots btw) and I must say the colors are just really wacky. I mean, I like such bright colors on the walls but it just seems really weird to have it in a mental asylum.