1,830 Comments for Buffalo State Hospital

I think the movie you are thinking of is Girl Interrupted.
Houses back then didn't have lots of bars like this. This was a prison most of these people probably never had freedom again how sickening. These pictures tell us a story on the outside what we couldn't see when this place was in operation.
Wizard of Oz mind control mk ultra. This would have been the emerald city hall. Come see your wizard(staff) ask for anything you wish.
Alice In Wonderland door
Something that caught my eye was the missing EXIT sign over the arch. The sign couldn't have been worth much plus it would have taken a really tall ladder to retrieve it. I'm also curious about the fire hose on the floor.
I always thought it was because they were the draftiest places, but not sure!
That door looks like it belongs on a barn.
I love the patterns of the peeling paint. Interesting that the paint changes color a couple of feet from the ceiling.
That tin ceiling is awesome. Interesting how the plaster has fallen away from the wall on the left.
Sadly, this is the reason fire departments will not initiate an interior attack when one of these buildings catch fire. Fill this space with black, blinding smoke and it becomes a death trap for firefighters. The best they can do is "surround and drown" to protect the surrounding exposures.
rainbow windows.
Whoever painted this place should be arrested!
The nurse wants to retrieve the ribbon for a little girl, but she just can't seem to get past the wheelchair. She's stuck. In time. Forever.

That door is OLD!
On a good day, a kind nurse would get out the popcorn basket and a trusted patient would make popcorn for the others. Or s'mores.
Why did they put the heating elements (steam radiators) right below the windows. Seems they did it everywhere! I lived in an old house and that's where they all were. Not very energy efficient, eh?