1,830 Comments for Buffalo State Hospital

Net? Just net?
Colors delicious, so soft; and other side of peeling pink is gray?
Ahhh yes, indeed, Iceberg, it really is inviting, good size and quite a delicious pistachio green, + very fine window -
the light fixtures however practical..... but not so pretty....
And that opening, right - what could it possibly be used for?
It looks good, mighty powerful, + strong towering, very finely lit edifice Buffalo State Hospital - such care (+skills) to light all up.
Interesting the "air-box-balcony" right.
Nice Gallery. Thanks.
LPN, I think over time, the metal tubing that hold the lights, have become loose & now they are on that angle. I don't think they were meant to be that way.
Nice brightly lit room, it does feel very inviting.
Looks like a zipper being opened there, with the window being the pull.
If both properties were owned by the state, it would not be unheard of to share equipment between them, right?
The lone chair shot, in a curved hallway, nice.
Why would they put 2 of the light fixtures at angles?
The Masonry expertise is beautiful. Nice woodwork on the mantle.
Mr. Motts you anticipated my question. The previous photo made me wonder if this was a "property" sticker or "inspection" sticker. Thanks
Motts, Thank You for the info on "form follows function". Very clever architects.
Thank You, Mr. M! Yay, for the new gallery.
Love how the brick is curling out. So graceful.