1,830 Comments for Buffalo State Hospital

It's amazing how you make your night shots not even look like it was taken at night
Man, they really need to save these buildings. I'm in love with them, lol
I like the curved addition
Looks like a majestic castle! Gorgeous building!
I truly hope they aren't planning to tear this down! What a BEAUTY!
What is the gap at the top of the entryway? Did a gate come down?
No, sorry - a small window? is there one to the left, also?
I love Buffalo. I really do. What a room.
Is this room right in the middle of the section between the towers?
Are there windows like these to the left?
I think the lonely chair, plus a security guard and iPh new break room in these places.
Thanks Iceberg, that makes sense.
it is so beautiful looks like a Lego display
Very pretty. Now WE all know this IS Buffalo State Hospital and some of its History.
Used to work for many years in a fantastic giantic edifice structure, contemporary;
`The Nordic Museum of Stockholm, so at times look at the rooms in that way. The size. The light. Columns.
Yes, indeed - i like this room a lot; appears in Fortress again, and am curious about that door-less opening.
Ohh yes a brick zipper is cool imaginative, Iceberg!
Is a brick gash like this fixable?
The brick wall is painted light green, layers + layers of paint.
That is a good look too, painted brick.