1,591 Comments for Glenn Dale Hospital

Anyone know if it is still owned by the D.C. Government?
I have visited the hosipital a few times and needless to say i will NEVER go back. There ARE spirits haunting that place and the proof of about 20 grown men to prove it.
my dad snoke in there once he was so fucken scared
i was walking down one of these hallways and i heard what seemed to be a like cart rolling across the floor and someone walking be hind it and in the room i could hear kids lauging. i got freaked out and got outta there!!..
I'm gonna bet that the Tap Bells are put in the same room because if your mouth is gagged, or has the rubber keeping it open, you would need a way to call the nurse still. So you get the tap bell - I've been reading a few google results for "Tap Bell" and there is mention of hospital patients having to use one because their call button was broken.
My friends and I are trying to go to Glenn Dale, but we're not so sure about the cops.
Could anyone who knows this place extremely well give me a realistic idea on how bad the cops are and whether we should go or not? Tips for avoiding cops/gaining legal entrance to the place would be much appreciated. im not trying to get caught. My group of friends are moderately experienced at urban exploration, yet the closest we have come to cops was seeing one about 70 yards away in the courtyard at Henryton.
my email is

any info would be much appreciated.
if u want to come to the glenn dale hospetl it is not so fun at first but u wil get ues to it an my dad an i an my sister went an i was so happy an wen my sister took pitures an i sawl gost i the piturse it was alsome
Absolutely beautiful.
This whole Hospital reminds me of Silent Hill. What a mind trip. Now I want to visit GD Hospital.
Law Man Dan, do something else with your time you low life. If you are a cop, why don't you do some real work instead of busting dumb teenagers.
Nice pic. I would LOVE to go to Glenn Dale but I bet I will never get the chance. =[
what a wild old place...what will become of it? They can't tear it down - too expensive and hazardous 'cuz of asbestos and pretty far gone to bring back...they should do ghost tours! Haven't roamed those halls in over 18 years! quite a place...would love to go back (legally)
Joke gags, I suppose...
Why do they have to call it, "Mouth" gags?, why not just gags? how many kinds of gags are there..?
yeah,on the small shot I thought I was looking into a tunnel.