338 Comments for NRL Satellite Facility

Sean: :-undefined Did he say how soon?

Climbing to the apex:
Just talked to one of the onwers friends the other day when we climbed it and he was up there. He said that the guy plans to blow it up and build himself a house here. Kind of sad, we go there probably once a week still to this day. Awesome place to be.
Its a shame because this thing is now full of grafitti in that center section. How people got up there, i'll never know.
My dad worked at a installation like this. He worked in supply. It was a small base, like 300 peeps tops. He said that the Air force had all kinds of little "projects" that went on @ the base that he wanted no part of, cuz of the secrets involved. During my tenure in the Army, I wanted to know everything I could about secret stuff. An old vet told me the best advice. He said that the more you know the more disposable you become. How true
I like the graffiti. It reminds you that the dish isn't some alien desolate thing. Gives you a sense of time and lets you know people interacted with it.
I love this. The day-night affect, the graffiti, everything about it is awesome.
That thing is effing huge
It's amazing to see people appreciate this place that are not from here. Too bad you didn't stick around till night. On a clear night, cinch your self to the edge of the dish on your stomach and look over the side... Amazing views of D.C. and Alexandria and the surrounding countryside....

Because it wasn't taken during the day. It was a long exposure night shot.
yea i live a few minutes from this particular site, u can see dc from the upper lip of the dish
FART? You would write that on a dish?
This may be a stupid question, but here goes. Is that actually the bottom half of Orion in the top right corner? If so, how did you manage to capture it at that time of day?
who cares if there is graffiti on ana abandoned p[lace like that? it's the middle of nowhere. it livens it up. who is it hurting? it makes the satellite THE satellite. i've been up it, & my boyfriend did a lot of that. & i'm proud =]

"LBJ" is Lyndon Baines Johnson, president of the United States from 1963-69.
Oh man, I see a Heartagram.
le sigh
And various other unmentionable things.
This was always one of my favourite panoramas actually.